This can be specified twice to enable a built-in python debugging server. d, -debug Enable debugging output (please use this when reporting bugs). The argument here is the name of a saved layout. l, -layout=LAYOUT Start Terminator with a specific layout. r, -role=ROLE Set a custom WM_WINDOW_ROLE property on the window working-directory=DIR Set the terminal's working directory x, -execute COMMAND Runs the rest of the command line instead of your default shell or profile specified command. e, -command=COMMAND Runs the specified command instead of your default shell or profile specified command geometry=GEOMETRY Specifies the preferred size and position of Terminator's window see x(7). T, -title Force the Terminator window to use a specific name rather than updating it dynamically based on the wishes of the child shell. Its visibility can be toggled with the hide_window keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Shift-Alt-a by default) H, -hidden Hide the Terminator window by default. b, -borderless Instruct the window manager not to render borders/decoration on the Terminator window (this works well with -m) f, -fullscreen Start with a fullscreen window m, -maximise Start with a maximised window

v, -version Show the version of the Terminator installation This program follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes